New patients


Welcome to all our new clients! We are still developing our website, but for now, here are a few things you can expect when you visit us for the first time with your furry family members.

We will always attempt to meet in a more relaxed manner than usual and take time to get to know and trust each other. Your first visit to us may not be in the easiest of circumstances.We understand.

Here are a few things you can expect when you first visit us.

  1. You will be provided with a new patient intake form, please fill in all the details and be a concise as possible.
  2. We will need to know any medications, allergies or issues your cat or dog may be taking, or experiencing. It is helpful if you can bring any medications with you to your appointment.
  3. In the case of an emergency visit, please try to remain as calm as you can, we know that it is hard, however the faster we can get the relevant and important details from you the faster we can assess the situation at hand.
  4. If you are planning to transfer records from another practice we will need the details of your pet’s previous veterinarian.
  5. If this is a scheduled appointment and your first visit please try to arrive about 10 min before your scheduled time so we can attend to all the necessary paper work before you meet our vet(s)
  6. If this visit is to address something you suspect your cat or dog has eaten if there is any left please bring this along and/or all the details you can gather about the substance.
  7. If your need is urgent and this is outside of clinic hours please contact the clinic’s phone number and relate as much information as you can to the service so we can help you to make the right urgent care decisions.

Click here to fill out or Intake form and send responses via email.

Click here to download a printable version of the intake form, fill out and bring with you on your visit.